In summer 2021, a new dance studio opens its doors on the site of the Schëfflenger Schräiner. The association LëtzPole’n’Dance” was created on the 26th April this year to answer the growing demand for pole dance, but also for the circus disciplines “aerial silk” and “aerial hoop”. With the opening of our studio we want to give our community, that has been a part of Luxembourg for over 10 years now, a new place where there’s no prejudices and where everyone can do what they like, no matter their age, nationality and background. LëtzPole’n’Dance wants to be an open space that gives many different sports such as “aerial arts”, yoga, pilates and dance the room they need in order to thrive.

Poledance as a discipline that combines acrobatics, muscular training and dance, will be the main pillar of LëtzPole’n’Dance’s activities. Next to fixed classes taught by passionate coaches, the rest of the schedule will remain open to others, so that self-employed trainers, associations and sports clubs can use the space for their own purpose. We want to create a big together because our motto is:

united we are strong”.

To boost the links between sports lovers and creatives, we have already relied on collaborations right from the start. Our logo, our website, our online presence, our photo and video material an even our studio have been created via networking with old and new faces from the south, because LëtzPole’n’Dance does not only want to unite people on a sports level, but create social unions and chances for everyone.

- Laura, Esther & Salima



President of the asbl


Secretary of the asbl


Treasurer of the asbl


our coaches



“Pole dance is my passion because it’s a way to test my physical limits and express myself through dance. Plus, I love to make students fall in love with our discipline.”


«La pole dance est bien plus qu’un sport pour moi: c’est un moyen d’expression, d’apprentissage et d’acceptation de soi mais c’est aussi une grande famille.»


« …quand j’ai commencé la pole dance en juin 2013, je suis tombée amoureuse de suite. J’avais l’impression que c’était tout à fait différent de tout ce que j’avais fait avant… et c’est le cas ! »


« Le cerceau aérien est une discipline qui mêle force, souplesse et danse. La pratique de cet agrès m’a apporté de la rigueur, de la ténacité, de la volonté mais surtout l’impression de voler. »


« La Chair Dance me donne la possibilité de m'échapper de ma triade quotidienne et de me concentrer sur l'ici et maintenant. Elle me met au défi chaque fois que je m'entraîne ou que je crée de nouveaux mouvements, chorégraphies ou acrobaties. »